;;;; guile-shadow.scm - warn about shadowed variables in Guile code ;;;; ;;;; To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all ;;;; copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to ;;;; the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without ;;;; any warranty. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain ;;;; Dedication along with this software. If not, see ;;;; . (use-modules (language tree-il) (language tree-il analyze) (ice-9 receive) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-69) (system base compile) (system base message) (system base language) (system base syntax)) ;; This program is meant to warn its user about shadowed and unbound ;; variables in their Guile code. Unbound variable analysis is already ;; done by Guile's compiler on its Tree-IL (Tree Intermediate ;; Language). This is reused and a new analysis for shadowed variables ;; is implemented, along with a simple loop that compiles Scheme to ;; Tree-IL and runs the analysis. ;; Tree-IL analyses are represented by the `tree-analysis' record ;; type, however this is not exported. This extracts it from the ;; module. (define make-tree-analysis (let ((module (resolve-module '(language tree-il analyze) #f #f #:ensure #f))) (module-ref module '%make-tree-analysis-procedure))) ;; For reporting warnings, Guile has its own system implemented in ;; (system base message). Unfortunately it cannot be easily extended, ;; therefore we have to reimplement its parts. ;; This really should be available, but it is not exported. Again, ;; same trick as above. (define location-string (let ((module (resolve-module '(system base message) #f #f #:ensure #f))) (module-ref module 'location-string))) (define (warn-shadow name location) (format (current-warning-port) "~A~A: warning: shadowed variable `~S'~%" (fluid-ref *current-warning-prefix*) (location-string location) name)) ;; The actual analysis is done by traversing the Tree-IL tree. We keep ;; track of how many times a name is used in the current environment ;; by recording it in a hash table. It is very simple. (define (name-removed tbl name loc) (hash-table-update!/default tbl name 1- 1)) (define (name-add tbl name loc) (hash-table-update!/default tbl name (lambda (v) (when (> v 0) (warn-shadow name loc)) (1+ v)) 0)) (define (handle-names f tbl names loc) (for-each (lambda (name) (f tbl name loc)) names)) (define (dispatch-tree-il-names f tbl node locs) (let ((src (find pair? locs))) (record-case node (( req opt) (handle-names f tbl req src) (when opt (handle-names f tbl opt src))) (( names) (handle-names f tbl names src)) (( names) (handle-names f tbl names src)) (( names) (handle-names f tbl names src)) (else node)) tbl)) ;; A Tree-IL analysis is made of four elements: ;; 1. A procedure invoked upon entering a node. ;; 2. A procedure invoked after every children of the node has been visited. ;; 3. A procedure invoked after every node has been visited. ;; 4. An initial value. (define shadowed-variable-analysis (make-tree-analysis (lambda (node tbl env locs) (dispatch-tree-il-names name-add tbl node locs)) (lambda (node tbl env locs) (dispatch-tree-il-names name-removed tbl node locs)) (lambda (tbl env) (for-each (lambda (k) (hash-table-delete! tbl k)) (hash-table-keys tbl)) #t) (make-hash-table))) ;; Main loop that reads in Scheme expressions, compiles them to ;; Tree-IL and when it is all done, runs the analysers on it. (define (parse-compile-analyze) (let ((compiler (compute-compiler 'scheme 'tree-il (default-optimization-level) (default-warning-level) '()))) (let loop ((x (read)) (exps '()) (env (default-environment 'scheme))) (if (eof-object? x) (let ((tree ((language-joiner (lookup-language 'tree-il)) (reverse exps) env))) (with-fluids ((*current-warning-prefix* ">>> ")) (analyze-tree (list shadowed-variable-analysis shadowed-toplevel-analysis unbound-variable-analysis) tree env))) (receive (exp env cenv) (compiler x env) (loop (read) (cons exp exps) cenv)))))) (if (pair? (cdr (command-line))) (for-each (lambda (file) (with-input-from-file file parse-compile-analyze)) (cdr (command-line))) (parse-compile-analyze)) ;;; Commentary ;; ;; Source locations in the warnings point to the start of the ;; expression, not the actual offending names. As far as I can tell, ;; this is the closest position to the error that is saved while ;; reading and expanding the Scheme expressions. ;; ;; With more accurate source positions, highlighting the shadowed ;; variable could be helpful too. ;; ;; This program was written for Scheme but since the actual analysis ;; is done on Tree-IL, therefore any language that compiles to it ;; should work with minimal changes (changing the reader and the input ;; language of `compute-compiler'). ;; ;; It would be great if `guild' had a command that compiles code to ;; Tree-IL without producing an output file. This way the existing ;; analyses could be used for easy diagnosis. It would be even better ;; if there was a way to load extra modules that extended the ;; available analyses.